Colin led the marketing & product team to launch Jenni on Indiegogo. With support from an exceptional team, cinematographers (see the campaign video - short and long), designers and advisors, Colin was able to launch this smart energy storage product in Spring of 2017. The campaign did not reach its ambitious goal to pre-sell 500 units, however the team did validate consumer interest, pre-selling 100 units, and gaining traction in media such as BornDigital, MobileSyrup and TreeHugger.
Colin co-founded Better Current to help make renewable energy accessible to people and companies looking to transition to clean energy. The company worked on numerous projects to incorporate solar and battery technology, including power for events, pop-up offices, greenhouses, remote charging hubs and EV charging stations. The company also had a business line renting solar phone charging stations (BetterRecharge) and launched a consumer solar charger (Jenni). Colin continues to work with individuals and companies exploring the inclusion of renewable energy into practice.
Project Electric Vehicle around Africa (EVA) was a campaign to support world-renowned Toronto eco-explorer Mario Rigby travel around the continent to show the world how renewable energy can benefit communities in Africa and globally, all while driving an electric vehicle. As Partnership & Renewable Energy Advisor, Colin worked with partners to get involved with the project. In an effort to build-out this project, Colin created this project overview and partnership deck, with the amazing design support of Cary Laudadio.
This was an idea we were playing with to support Project EVA, which I had the opportunity to pitch to a battery storage company. A remote solar charging hub designed for shipment and local assembly to support the growth of sustainable transportation and off-grid communities.
Transitioning to clean energy means making solar accessible and top of mind. Colin helps clients make solar phone charging stations available with Better ReCharge stations. Charging stations can be found at music festivals, conferences and events providing unique branding platforms, as well as permanent custom installations.
Concept: Born from Colin's enthusiasm for outdoor sporting events, coffee and renewable energy, Full Cup Coffee is an idea to brew socially responsible and renewable coffee beans from the power of the sun. Working with a design team, Colin developed the concept and pitched it to an EV manufacturer who liked the idea. He even operated a coffee stand for a season at weekend triathlons in southern Ontario to learn the mobile coffee business.
Piloting this idea at Evergreen Brick Works, Colin collaborated with a team of OCAD students to create small landscape designs to take advantage of unused spaces in urban environments.
From 2013 - 2015, Colin trained with some of the best coaches in Ontario, including Ming Chang, to compete as an elite triathlete. Colin was fortunate to travel to competitions in the US, UK & Morocco, as well as across Canada. His favourite race is the Escape from Alcatraz, and continues to swim, bike and run today. With the support from talented cinematographers, Cam Roden & James Arthurs, this video was created. Kate & Colin did their last race together at the 2019 Victoria, BC 70.3 Half Ironman.
In 2009, Colin cycled from Toronto to Halifax, where he received his Bachelor of Commerce from Dalhousie University. Colin’s Hydro Heroes expedition was to raise awareness for world water issues with a lead-by-example message in managing the water resources in Canada. Working with designers and cinematographers to create the logo, website and campaign (which is no longer active), and a team of friends from university, Colin organized this fund raising initiative with Canadian Feed the Children. He went on to be a youth leader at the World Water Forum in Istanbul, and continues to support water related causes and other community initiatives.